Saturday, March 14, 2009

The laundry fairy

So I have been thinking a lot lately about the Laundry fairy...especially because I hate doing laundry!!! When I lived at home I would just put my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper and then they would jut appear on my bed downstairs clean and folded. I never ever even had to think about laundry because the laundry fairy would always come and take care of things. Well for some reason since I have been married the laundry fairy didn't follow me to my house.....which has left me in charge of laundry. So I think what has dawned on me is that maybe I am the laundry fairy in my house. What a bummer!!!
....Thanks Mom for letting me believe that their was a laundry fairy. You are the greatest!!


Sterling said...

Seriously! I hate doing laundry but LOVE clean, folded clothes...especially baby clothes!!!!

Jessica F. said...

That was me too!!!!

Natalie said...

So THAT'S why the laundry never gets done at my house! No Laundry Fairy! :)