Monday, August 25, 2008

Sister Day

One of my favorite things that my sisters and I have started is called "Sister Day". During the summer my sisters and I get babysitters on Wednesday afternoons and just the three of us go and enjoy our time together. We have always been so close and since we have all become mothers it makes it a lot harder to get together. Thanks for the fun times together girls!!


Jessica F. said...

There is nothing better than sisters!!! Although great friends are a CLOSE second!

JohnsonOhana said...

Love the new background. Sister day has been great hasn't it. I miss it.

Megan said...

Jen, I can't get over how beautiful you and your little family are. Those smiles! (Your sisters are beauties but I'm referring to your kids!)

Sarah said...

Sisters are the BEST! I have one and she is 7 years younger, but we still are best buds and love hanging out together!

Kali and Lexi look so cute for their first day of school, It's crazy how time flys by, lots of fun things going on the older they get!!

Ash said...

Jen I love it that you and your sisters go do this. That's a great thing. I have to say I am sad I can't do this with a sister. But I love it that you guys will always have each other. What darling sisters and Moms.