Sunday, June 1, 2008


Lessons Learned:

*Life comes at you fast, so take the time to enjoy all the little moments.
*Family is the most important thing
*Twins are twice as much work, and twice as much fun.
*Either act happy or be happy, no one really cares which one.

Events of the month:

*Grandpa Kocherhans funeral
*Derek went to Illinois to train with Matt Hughes and his team.
*Derek's knee surgery
*Dominic finished wearing his helmet
*Lexi said goodbye to her best friend....the binki
*Mothers day
*My brother-in-law returned home from Iraq. (Camie you are so amazing for
what a rock you were this year for your family.)
*Kali graduated from Pre-school.
*Dinner with my old volleyball team I played with at UVSC.
*Lexi told the Doctor that her favorite princess was Ariel, and her favorite prince
was her Dad......Derek loved that.
*Devries bridal shower...(we are so excited for you Dev for your big wedding this
*Danielle's baby shower.. (looking forward to the arrival of our newest neice Gabriella.)
*Memorial Day.
*Derek hired Joel Clark to be his new agent.....We are looking forward to big things JOEL...
lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol

Thanks :

*My sweet Grandpa Kocherhans for his amazing life.
*For Mothers Day. I love having a day to stop and think about how lucky I am
to have such an amazing mother who is incredible. I have learned so much from
her, and I want to become just like her.
*For the wonderful opportunity it is to be a mother.
*To the troops who sacrifice so much.
*My sisters who are my best friends, and I know every time we get together
there will always be lots of laughs, and giggles....(and some one very likely will wet their pants.)
*To the wonderful support group we have had around us through this incredibly
busy year.
*Good friends that will last a lifetime.

Life is so busy, and so rewarding. I can't believe all the wonderful opportunities I have been given, and the tremedous people I have been able to be surrounded by. I am so grateful for all my blessings. I am living my dreams!!!!!


Sarah said...

Grandpa's are the BEST! What a great tribute Jen, he sounds like a really neat man! Hope to see Kali at Jades party!:)

Tara said...

Your lil' (well not so little anymore!) is so DANG cute I can hardly stand it! I admire you for being such a great mom and supportive wife. Hope Derek feels better soon!

Dave and Corey Johnson said...

Jen I noticed in your new slide show you put a picture of you at Christmas 2006. I am surprised you weren't yawning. LOL!!!!!

The Gibby's said...

Hey Cuz! I can't stand how cute your kiddo's are! You are such an incredible woman and mother. I missed you at the last family get together (at Ed and Teresa's) but I hope to see you soon! -Haler

Laicy said...

Hi Jenn! I just wanted to say hi. It looks like the queen of pink is doing good. I haven't seen you guys forever. I can't believe how big your kids all are. They are all so stinkin cute!

Jessica F. said...

I love how you do this each month...such a great idea!

tjandash said...

Jen-When I saw your comment I went into panic mode that I never called you back!!! You texted me a couple of days before we had to be out of our house and I spaced it. Please forgive me for being such a ditz. Your blog is just darling and so is your little fam!

kat reynolds said...

I heard you married Derek but I had no idea you had four kids, WOW! And twins! How amazing is that. You look guys look great! Your kids are SO cute. They look just like you.

Christi said...

I'm so glad that you found my blog and commented! It is great to resume contact with old friends! I can't believe that you have four kids now!!! You guys look fantastic! We will keep in touch!

Nellie said...

I'm so glad you found our blog...I can't belive how old your girls are and congrats on those twin! Glad to see things are going well for you guys!

claire said...

I am impressed greatly with your, wow, wow! I need lessons!