Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy "a Liitle Late" fathers Day

Usually I do a fathers day post and this year for some reason it slipped my mind, so here is a late little fathers day post to all the amazing dads that I have in my life. We have been so blessed to be surrounded by so much love and support, and we have felt it throughout the years. Our kids have 2 of the most amazing Grandpa's in the whole world. They are both so loving and caring and have shown our 4 children so much love. They have always loved going to Grandpas!! Thankyou Thankyou Grandpa Downey and Chalmers for being such wonderful Dads and Grandpas. You are both such amazing examples to our family.
Next To my Hubby. Deege Thankyou!!! Thanks for being all that you are!! The kids and I are so lucky to have you!!
We love you, Happy Fathers Day

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