Sunday, December 14, 2008

Please tell me I am not the only mom who feels overwhelmed

So I have been doing a lot of thinking this month about how I am feeling like I can't keep up with all the things that I am supposed to be on top of. Are there any other moms out there that feel the same way I do? Well so I started to make a list of the responsibilities of a woman. Here are some of them

*Get everone out of bed and dressed in the morning
* Do the girls hair
* Make a healthy breakfast :)
* Get breakfast dishes done
* Get the girls off the school on time with homework done
* Get a healthy well balanced lunch made :)
* Get lunch dishes done
* Make sure the bathroom toilets get cleaned and the floor mopped
* empty all garbages
* Get all laundry done and folded and put away
* And don't forget to pre-treat all the stains from the day
* Get the carpets vacuumed
* Get a healthy nutritious dinner made.
* Try to have the whole family together for dinner :)
* Get dishwasher unloaded
* Get dinner dishes done, and wash all the walls washed around the high chairs, including light switches.
* Dont forget eveyones daily vitamin that is so important
* Get everyones teeth brused, and takes their flouride
* Get kids in the bath and wash hair
* Get kids in their jamies
* Make sure that you read to your child for 20 minutes every day, since that is recommended :)
* Stay on top of all the diapers that need changing.
* Make sure you spent quality time with each child daily.
* Make sure you spend quality time with your husband daily
* Get all ironing done.
* Do all the grocery shopping ( except for the occasional trips Dereks takes for me on his way home from work. Thanks Babe!!)
* Make sure the kitchen floor gets mopped.
* Change the sheets and get them all washed
* Tidy up all the little messes that take place throughout the day
* Constantly be teaching children how to make good choices.
* Calm disiplining :)
* Take dinner to the new little mommy down the street
* Get your lesson planned for Sunday
* Don't forget to plan your weekly Family Home Evening.
* Have family scripture study daily.
* Pray with your family daily
* Get your visiting teaching done.
* Cut coupons and shop sales
* Make sure the dog is fed and bathed
* Write in your journal
* Keep up on scrapbooking
* Make a call to an old friend
* Make sure you spend time with Grandparents and extended family
* Keep your car cleaned out and washed
* Make your house a home
* Now don't forget that one of the worst things you can do on top of this is let yourself go, so make sure you excersize 5 times a week, and get all dolled up every day :)
* Get the yard work done.
* Never get grumpy or impatient

So after looking at this list I think I am allowed to feel a little overwhelmed some days and also maybe drop the ball on a thing or two. ( especially getting all dolled up every day. ha ha)
But the thing that amazes me the most is I think I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life. I love so much what I do, I honestly feel like I am living the dream to be able to stay home with my 4 darling little children. So I just wanted to post this to see if anyone can relate of add anything else to this little list. My hat goes off to all the ladies out there!!


gillman said...

i hope you don't try and do ALL of that EVEry DAY!!! :0) corey always tells me how amazing she thinks you are too ( and of course i think corey is amazing too!) as long as my kids are happy, my husband is happy the rest is optional!!! :0)

Jill Johnson said...

You are amazing!! I feel the same way!!

Jessica F. said...

You are my idol!!!!! You totally amaze me! I look forward to those days with more kids!!!!

Christi said...

You should throw in working one or more part time jobs to help pay the bills-

Christi said...

I was thinking about it- I hope that comment didn't sound whiney- I was just wanting to add to the list- you came up with a good one- I certainly don't do everything on it!!! :)

Aubrey said...

wait. i have to clean the car too? dang it. and i was doing so good. haha. NOT (can you tell I grew up in the 80s?) :) I'm right there with you girlie. lucky for you getting dolled up shouldn't be so hard 'cause you're such a cutie.