Sunday, December 21, 2008


We just had our annual Downey Christmas party last Saturday. The kids look forward to it every year because Santa comes and bring a little present. I must say that this year was a major break through for our family because I didn't have one child scream on Santa's lap. It was wonderful!!! Dominic and Zaxen were very curious, so I loved these pictures of both of the twins just checking out Santa. Oh, and Dominic is on the top and Zak is on the bottom for those who can't tell them apart. Merry Christmas everyone!!!


DANIELLE said...

So cute pictures... they turned out great!

Kim said...

Jen! Deej! ;-) So fun to hear from you on my blog and check out what you guys are up to on yours! WHAT ADORABLE KIDS! Seriously, they couldn't be cuter. You guys look like you are doing great- and keeping busy with the twins! Woah- you guys are amazing. We love your fam- so fun to read about what your mom has made/done for your kids. She is amazing- I want to be just like her too. Crazy that your Dad is bishop again... Make sure to tell them hello!