Thursday, February 19, 2009

My new favorite show!!!

So I had to do a new post on my favorite show. For all of those who haven't yet seen "Jon and Kate plus 8" You need to check it out.
I have been inspired by this amazing show. I absolutely love Kate. She has things so together and organized...which for those who know me well that is what I dream of. I just always get such fun ideas off the show of how to have fun without going out.

Not to mention the kids are adorable and you will absolutely fall in love with them...My favorite is Aden. He is just so cute in his little glasses.Anyway for those who haven't seen it. I think it will inspire you to want to be better. Check it out on TLC Monday nights


Joel said...

Are we on our way to Derek and Jen Plus Ten? I'm hoping so.

Unknown said...

I love that show! Kate totally makes me laugh. But, what are you talking about... Kate needs to take lessons from YOU on organization. You're the epitome of organized. Can I be like you when I grow up? :-)